
The Writers Pen Publishers

Self-Publishing Process for The Writers Pen Publishers

Step 1: Choosing a Publishing Package

  1. Visit Our Website: Browse through our website to explore the various publishing packages available.
  2.  Select a Package: Choose the package that best suits your book’s requirements.

Step 2: Initial Contact

  1. Write a query email to us at thewriterspenpublishers@gmail.com or fill out this form on our website.
    Include in Your Email: The number of words in your manuscript and a brief description of your book.

Step 3: Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and Pro-Forma Invoice

  1. Receive NDA and Invoice: Upon receiving your query email, we will send you a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and a Pro-Forma Invoice for the manuscript.
  2. Sign the NDA: Review and sign the NDA.

Step 4: Manuscript Submission

  1. Submit Your Manuscript: Submit your manuscript following our Submission Guidelines.

Step 5: Manuscript Review and Evaluation

  1. Manuscript Review: Your manuscript will be reviewed and evaluated based on our publishing policies.
  2. Feedback: If your manuscript is publishable, we will provide you with detailed feedback.

Step 6: Publishing Contract

  1. Receive Contract: If your manuscript meets our standards, you will receive a publishing contract based on the selected package.
  2. Sign the Contract: Review, sign, and return the publishing contract.

Step 7: Payment and Publishing Process

  1. Make Payment: Pay the full amount or a 60% deposit of the package cost (remaining balance is due before publication).
  2. Publishing Process Begins:Editing and Proofreading: An editor will be assigned to work with you on comprehensive editing of your manuscript.
    – Cover Design: Our designer will design a cover for you or you can submit your own cover concept with detailed descriptions and images.
    – Layout and Design: The manuscript will be formatted for print/POD files and eBook versions.
    – ISBN Allocation and Proofing: ISBN will be allocated, proofing sample copies will be printed, and the work will be registered with the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO).

Step 8: Editing and Approval

  1. Editing: The editor will provide two copies of the edited manuscript in MS Word—one with tracked changes and a clean copy with changes incorporated.
  2. Design Approval: The designed manuscript will be submitted for your approval.

Step 9: Publication

  1. Final Approval: Once you approve the final designed copies, the book will be published.
  2. Distribution: Your book will be made available on various online platforms including Amazon, Kindle, Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble (at a fee), and The Writers Pen Publishers’ bookstore.

Additional Notes

  • Editing: The editing process does not include ghost-writing. The editor will make suggestions which you may accept or reject. If you refuse necessary edits, the publisher may terminate the agreement unless your manuscript has been professionally edited.
  • Cover and Illustrations: Ensure you own the copyright for any images submitted or have permission to use them. If the book requires illustrations, you are responsible for the costs.

For any queries or further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at thewriterspen1@gmail.com


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